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System Requirements
■ OS/browser
∙ Windows 10 and above Microsoft Edge latest version Google Chrome latest version
Some functions on this website use an encryption transmitting technology, called SSL/TLS utilized when our users send or receive data with ease of mind.
The SSL/TLS employs a mutual authentication system using digital signature and encryption technology when transmitting data securely via the internet. The SSL/TLS works by encrypting the data when personal information is being transmitted to a server. Therefore, the user's personal information becomes unreadable to any outside third parties. If you see a [Key] symbol on the bottom of your browser window, it means that the SSL/TLS is working. You do not need to change your browser settings in order to utilize the SSL/TLS. However, older version of browsers may not be able to display.
This website uses JavaScript for page design and other functions. Some web pages may not be displayed properly if the JavaScript is disabled on your browser setting. Please enable the JavaScript if possible.
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